Personal Fitness Training Packages
Workout Program Design (3 workouts) - $600
A good choice for individuals looking for a custom workout program to do on their own. Your workout program will be designed based on your health, fitness history, fitness goals and time availability. All 3 workout sessions must occur in 30 days or less. In-person at home or Virtual.
I Need A Jump Start (5 workouts) - $900
This option is great for the motivated veteran exerciser who needs short-term expert instruction. Individuals who want to learn more about exercise program design (how many, what order, etc.) and how to achieve their goals should consider this option. This option also may appeal to those who have hit a physical or mental plateau. All five workout sessions must occur in 45 days or less. In-person in home or Virtual.
Sign Me Up (10 workouts) - In-person $1400 /Virtual $1200
The best option for individuals looking to develop a relationship with a trainer and commit to regular workouts 1-3 days/week. Packages expire 3 months from the date of the first workout. Add $50/session for partner.